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Footloose with happy feet!
The holiday season hasn’t quite started but I’m sure people are looking forwards to it! I always found June to be rather an odd month in which you have to get everything done so you can go on holiday but the weather usually improves and you get that sense of itchy feet.
So we can help with that!
Our therapist Faye offers a therapeutic pedicure which will get your hippopotatrotters into shape for the holidays, and we are bringing on board Michelle Heyes who is a foot health practitioner for those truly horrible problems with fungal infections or hard skin. Males and females catered for.
My mom always used to say, if your feet hurt it showed in your face, and I’m quite sure that she was right. So come to the Centre in June and treat your feet! £25 per treatment.
If your feet are fine but maybe they are sore, we can offer a foot and lower leg massage. Arnica salve is really good for muscle soreness, and Faye and Chris both offer that massage for £25.
Finally, we do offer treatment of the whole body through the feet. This is known as reflexology and Faye and Tallulah can offer that. Sessions are £35.
Faye is in on Wednesday mornings and Saturday mornings.
Michelle will be in on Wednesday afternoons from the 15th June.
Chris’s sessions are Tuesdays and Thursday mornings.