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Please welcome Polly Bartlett!


I’m so pleased that at last Polly Bartlett is joining us at the Centre this Thursday, and on Thursdays for the foreseeable future. Our paths have kept crossing for some time and finally the time is right. She is offering tasters of her healing work for just £15 for the next couple of weeks or so, and if you’d like to book in to see her, please get in touch. Here’s details the workshop she’s going to facilitate for us this week. If you’d like to book then please go to our shop page:


Gateway to New Earth Workshop

At The Amethyst Centre Coventry

Thurs 5th April 2018 7pm – 9.00 pm

Cost £30.00

Facilitated by Polly Bartlett

Calling all Earth Angels and Starseeds – Welcome to the  fifth dimensional reality.  What does this mean and how do we get there ?

During this workshop we will learn about :-

What is New Earth/5th dimension reality

How do we get there ?

Ascension/embodiment symptoms –  upgrades and recalibration/collapsing timelines – understanding the process.

The Angels and Galactic beings assisting us in Awakening to embody our multidimensional aspects – ascension to embodiment – and Mastery of that

What is Mastery ?

The Power of NOW

Loving self/ Co creating New Earth for all

About the Angels and Galactic beings now here to actively assist you to step up into Mastery through  these  transformational times.  Light Language/light code activations and the messages all around you.

This workshop includes meditations to experience what you have learned.

Suitable for those on their ascension pathway or simply curious to know about the fifth dimension of New Earth