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Learn Access Consciousness Bars Therapy with Lucia Inglis £270
Learn Access Consciousness Bars with Lucia Inglis, Friday July 22nd 9.30 – 5.30 2022, £270
Category: Uncategorised
Welcome to a sense of peace and possibility.
What is it you’ve been looking for but have never been able to find?
There’s a peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world, and in receiving a simple process for bodies, called Access Bars, it can occur with total ease.
Best of all, it’s not hard to learn.
By learning or receiving the Access Bars® technique, you can give yourself and your clients, friends, family, and co-workers the care, kindness, and nurturing you require with total ease.
The Access Bars class is a single day, 8-hour class. Your Access Bars facilitator will provide you with a comprehensive manual and in-depth head charts to assist you in learning Access Bars and becoming an Access Bars practitioner by the end of the day-long course. In addition to learning Access Bars, the manual is full of life-changing tools, questions, and processes from Access Consciousness. This class is much more than learning a new energetic modality… In addition to exploring the manual and the hand positions for the 32 bars-points, you’ll be invited to the change that you know can be, and is, possible!
What is included?
Coaching by a licensed Access Bars Facilitator or an Access Certified Facilitator
Receiving two full Access Bars sessions
Gifting two full Access Bars sessions
Viewing a special instructional video where developer Gary Douglas personally demonstrates the technique
Comprehensive manual and in-depth head charts
Receiving two full Access Bars sessions
Gifting two full Access Bars sessions
Viewing a special instructional video where developer Gary Douglas personally demonstrates the technique
Comprehensive manual and in-depth head charts
What happens after class?
After you’ve completed one Access Bars class, you are an Access Bars Practitioner and can use it with your family, friends, and co-workers. What invitation can you be for them asking you about it?
If you choose to, you can start your own business offering Access Bars sessions! You can join the FREE Access Bars Practitioner Creator Program as well as attend special business trainings to expand the possibilities for you and your BP business.
You may also choose to facilitate Access Bars classes by becoming an Access Bars Facilitator. To become a facilitator, you are invited to take two more Access Bars classes, both at repeat pricing (50%)!
Book your space on this life-changing course by paying here: