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Aromatherapy for Coughs and Colds e-book £7.99


Learn which oils are best for all-round relief, and best targeted at symptoms and areas.


If you have ever used Vicks or Olbas Oil to relieve coughs and colds symptoms…

you’ve used aromatherapy!

But wouldn’t it be good to tailor your remedy to the needs of yourself or your child or parents?

Well you can by buying this e-book from us!

Chris has turned her notes and activities from the course into an e-book so that people who couldn’t make the session can learn what oils to use and how to use them.

When you pay for the e-book, she will send you the course in PDF form, so that it can be read on any machine including a Kindle.


First things first

Essential oil properties

Mucolytic oils

Expectorant oils

Anti-viral oils

Anti-bacterial oils

Two substances to be aware of

Treatment protocols

Methods of use