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Successful trials!

We are delighted that our trial of having a counsellor attached to the Centre has been successful and we are getting plenty of demand for counselling now. We have reviewed the provision and our service provision will be as follows.

Starting from the 1st January, John Price will be with us on Thursday evenings. He is our fully qualified humanistic counsellor, and is registered with the BACP. To reflect this, we will be charging the going rate for the Centre of £40 per hour session. This can be negotiated with the Centre Director if you are unable to pay the full rate.

Vivien Baines is with us on Monday evenings. She is our counselling trainee and as such is recruiting volunteers for case studies. She is fully supervised: she has arranged her own clinical supervision, and the Centre Director, who herself trained in counselling, is her mentor while she is here. We charge the lower fee of £10 per hour session to reflect this.

For both our counsellors, enquiries are in the first instance via the Amethyst Centre. The Director will speak to you and arrange your first session with either John or Vivien.

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I’m pleased to say that Bernadette Tunney, our Bowen therapist, has now released her December dates for sessions at the Centre. They are as follows:

Thursday 1st December
Thursday 8th December
Saturday 10th December
Thursday 15th December
Friday 16th December (12 noon start)
Saturday 17th December
All sessions are 1.30 – 5pm (apart from Friday 16th)

She has £10 tasters available every Thursday and on the Friday 16th. If you’re interested in finding out more about Bowen, and seeing if this is for you, then try a session with her.

If you want to book a full session with her, the first one will cost £35 as this is a full consultation session. Allow an hour. All subsequent sessions are £30.

She is also offering gift cards for £20: an ideal Christmas present for someone who would benefit from a gentle physical treatment for all sorts of physical ailments!

To book, please visit or contact the Centre on 024 76440186.

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