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Training update

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I just thought I’d hop on and do a quick blog post about our training provision.

I went through the mill this summer.

Covid was robbing me of my faculties, having robbed my husband of his sight, and life seemed to hang by a thread. I wondered – aloud to some people – whether I would ever work again as a Centre owner and trainer.

Having recovered from Covid, as has my husband (not quite recovered all his sight though), I find my mental sharpness is making a return. Praise be! And the women I work with are enthusiastic about working with me, in fact they have come up with a Cunning Plan so that I can support them as they take on my role as teacher and assessor for the courses.

So this update finds me putting the finishing touches to our offering for the next academic year, which I will continue to update over the Bank Holiday weekend. It is my intention that the full details will be available from the 1st September, ready for our enrolment on…

(wait for it)

Friday 25th and Saturday 26th September, at the Centre, 10am to 3pm!

As last time we can offer payment by instalments, which I’m sure you will be pleased to hear.

So the Amethyst Centre Training Academy will leap into life this autumn as I originally envisaged.

If this interests you please let me know!
